Our New Generation of Kayaks are Coming Soon!

As the current model of kayaks have all been sold out, and we are still looking for a way to improve the products by finding lighter materials with greater water experience. Now we are very pleased to tell you after three years of hard working, our new generation of sea kayaks are ready to meet with all of you!

Kayaks That Fit In Your Car


uKai® comes in 5 or 3 pieces, making it easy to stack up, transport, and store. These water-crafts can be quickly placed on the back seat of a compact sedan car, without the hassles of a roof rack. With the longest water-craft piece only 1.3 meters, you can easily tote your packed kayak into small storage, an elevator, or your apartment.

As easy as 123, only 1 minute is needed to assemble the plastic kayak “Freedom”, and 3 minutes for the fiber glass kayak “Adventurer”, outscoring most assembling or folding kayaks on the market.

Our Products